
We were all so proud to see our former President, Mary Ellen Goldfarb as the Profile of the Week in a 2013 Town Talk publication. She has worked so hard to make sure Thresholds in Delaware County continues its mission in Delaware County’s prisons. Please take a look and consider joining our […]

Former President Mary Ellen Goldfarb in the news….

[two_third]In 2009 Thresholds in Delaware County initiated a program aimed at helping our graduates re-enter society. Chester County Thresholds began a similar program shortly thereafter. Thresholds volunteers had long believed that our organization could do more to help our clients after they are released. To this end, a committee met […]

Re-Entry Program Helps Graduates Return to Society

[one_half][/one_half] [one_half_last]Study the black and white portrait in the left side panel. What do you see? When you change your thinking you change your perception. We see a young lady looking away, if we think of the necklace at bottom center. But we see an old women partially facing us, […]

Perception Exercise

Obtaining statistics on the effectiveness of inmate rehabilitation programs is very difficult, and always controversial. However, here is one Internet posting that spans a 20 year study which is worth considering. Note especially the stress on teaching “decision making skills,” which is the main mission of Thresholds. The research involves […]

Crime In America Study – The Up Hill Battle

It is estimated that more than one in every 100 adults in the United States will serve time in jail or prison; that’s an all-time high. Here is a recent analysis of prison populations. [one_half]USA and territories. Incarcerated population Number of inmates in 2008 Total 2,424,279 Federal and state prisons 1,518,559 […]

On The Importance of Localized Care Taking

The Thresholds symbol was created by Thresholds’ founder Mickey Burglass. The first part of the Thresholds symbol represents the dividing line, or threshold, between the past and the future. The second part stands for the four elements of life: the past, the world, yourself and the future. A threshold is […]

The Thresholds Symbol