Thresholds Training Teachers outside of Delco Beginning in 2004, Thresholds volunteers began training teachers in other areas of the the east coast. These have included: Hartford, CT; Trenton & Newark, NJ; New York City, Fairfax, VA, Boca Raton, FL, Atlanta, GA and Bloomington, IN. See the Regional Organization page for […]
Special Power Point Summary of the Thresholds program in operation at Thresholds/Decisions of Rutland, VT, prepared by Rita & Frank McCaffrey
Thresholds/Decisions of Rutland, VT PowerPoint
If you’ve browsed our web site a bit, especially the pages explaining the Six Steps of our program, it should be very clear that this effort requires the service of many dedicated people, roughly 70-75 each year. So please ponder whether you might have some free time to help out […]
Two ways you can help

Although we do have more than 50 volunteers teaching inmates how to reconstruct their lives, we also have a weighty financial burden for office supplies, correspondences, printing handbooks, volunteer training workshops, and two part time employees. Because we depend entirely on contributions, virtually any size donation benefits our program. Look […]

Old Broadmeadows County Prison hosted early Thresholds sessions. Was also featured in 2009 movie, Law Abiding Citizen, with Gerard Butler and Jamie Foxx. Current George W. Hill Correctional Facility, just a few yards away, is the modern HQ for managing Thresholds in Delaware County.
Old Broadmeadows County Prison
We are having a volunteer training weekend November 17 and 18 at Neumann University. Please contact Jerry Duffy at 610-453-9700 or email [email protected] for more info. To learn what is required of a Thresholds Volunteer visit our Volunteer page.